Family Proud

Full website redesign and rebuild, with e-Commerce integration.

Project Scope:

Full website redesign and rebuild.

My Role:

Designer, developer, and content creator.


Two months


I collaborated with the CEO, product lead, business operations lead, design team, development team, and advisors.


The existing website had several pain points that needed to be addressed.


Take user feedback and look at the pain points.

  • Confusing website navigation

  • Unclear messaging (i.e. What is the product?)

  • Lack of information on the website (i.e. Why should site visitors care?)


What steps do we need to take in order to address the pain points?

  • Look at our content messaging

  • Look at how we present information about the company

  • Look at how we promote our products

  • Can we show that we relate to our target audience?


Since I had been on the team as a software engineer building out key features and working on bug fixes, I knew the product really well. I could understand from a business standpoint what we were building and why. I could also understand from a user perspective what features I would be looking for in a healthcare product. And, most importantly, I could understand what questions first-time site visitors would have about the company and our products.

My approach to working on the user-flow was:

  • Can we draw the user’s attention to specific sections of our website (i.e. promote our mobile app)?

  • Can we make the website interesting so that users are enticed to learn more and even to recommend our products?

  • Can we create language that is empathetic, friendly, and informative?

  • Can we make it a great experience for site visitors?

  • Can we make the website accessible, functional, scalable, and aesthetically pleasing?


The website revamp was a success with rave feedback from internal and external users.

Anything I would do differently?

I would have been interested in conducting user research if we had a less strict timeframe.